Publicado: 23 de Septiembre de 2014
I had the pleasure of working at Language Centre Idiomas in 2010/11. It was an exciting placeto work for many reasons. First of all, I loved the incorporation oftechnology in the classroom. This is not something that I had experienced when teaching abroad in other schools. The smart boardmade for fun, interactive learning which kept the students engaged and interested versus just using a standard text book and work book. I always felt encouraged to create exciting lessons using the text books, the corresponding technology materials with the smart board, and using my own creativity to provide supplemental activities. That is such a rewarding way to teach.
The staff was incredibly friendly and supportive. The students were eager and skilled. Carmen promoted a positive learning environment for the students and a great atmosphere for the teachers to use theircreativity within a well-organized and structuredcurriculum. There is a heavy emphasis onassessment andfeedback. Yes, it´s time-consuming, but so valuable for the parents and students in seeing the growth, as well as for the school to continue to provide the best language education for the students at their appropriate level.
I had a wonderful time working at the Language Centre Idiomas and would have continued to teach much longer had my situation allowed me to stay.
Tim Marqette. Pittsburg. Philadephia.USA.
Language Centre Idiomas
C/ Convento 5 bajo
46970 - Alaquàs (Valencia) SPAIN
Tel. +34 96 150 67 60
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